Before booking a counselling session, the service user must ensure that they have access to a computer or a smart phone with audio and video facility and that these are configured properly.

It is an online portal and the service delivery is through a video conferencing tool.You must also ensure that you have access to a good quality internet or broadband facility to allow seamless streaming.Before commencing a counselling session, you must ensure that you are in a comfortable part of your home, office or personal space.  Ensuring that no one is overhearing your conversations with your counsellor, is absolutely your responsibility.        Make sure that the space you take your counselling session in is sufficiently lit; you should be facing the source of light and that the light is not directly falling on your computer or       phone screen.       We do not prescribe a dress code as such for the counselling session but advise you to wear presentable and comfortable clothing.  If you are not dress appropriately for a professional meeting as your counselling session or in the case of an indecent exposure, you counsellors are authorised to terminate your session immediately at any time. We have a no non-sense and a zero tolerance to violence or abuse policy.  We will not tolerate violence in any form, be it verbal and/or physical or the use of abusive language during the counselling session.