Counsellor Empanelment


Is committed to develop a World Class Premium Counselling Service in the country. A nationwide professionally structured, confidential and culturally appropriate counselling service in the country, which is accessible and affordable.

Building Partnerships with Counsellors

We are inviting professionals from the fields of Psychiatry, ClinicalPsychology, Applied Psychology, General Psychology, Psychiatric Social Work, Medical Social Work, Social Work and other allied professionsto work in partnership with us and create a nationwide workforce to helpmillions of silent suffers in our society. We intend to develop a vast network of professionally trained and experienced counsellors in the country, who could be easily accessible to those who have been suffering in silence for years due to lack of professional help available to them and additionally due to social stigma associated with approaching and accessing mental health and counselling services in our society.

Confidential and Culturally Appropriate Counselling Service

Given the social stigma associated with approaching and accessing Mental Health and counselling services in our society, it was of utmost importance for us to design a service, which took good care of social and psychosocial dimension of the problem in hand.Therefore, despite the availability of multitude of exceptional services and most modern health facilities in the country, people fear stigmatisation, discrimination and labelling, and dare not seen or known to have used mental services of any description. It was imperative that fears and anxiety of millions of silent suffers was taken into consideration, while developing a service for them. We have, therefore, developed an online portal, where people, who otherwise are hesitant inapproaching mental health and/or counselling service, would be encouraged to seek helpdiscreetly, from the comforts of their own homes. Using their smart phones or laptops, our confidential and culturally appropriate counselling service could be easily accessed from anywhere, without the fear and perception of being socially and psychologically prosecuted.

Building capacity for counselling

ILCS, through Counselling Skills Learning Programmes, intends to engage and involve thousands of well-intentioned individuals, who are otherwise qualified but aspire to acquire counselling skills to join our counselling workforce to help fellow countrymen and women, who are in desperate need of help. There are many counselling training programmes available in the country, but only a very few are designed to impart practical skills and personal development and growth through experiential learning process.

The issue of personal development or personal growth in the preparation of counsellors has a dual role
(1) adds knowledge and skills and helps trainees comprehend more effectively the counselling process, and
(2) promotes self-awareness. This dual role of personal development or personal growth during training is supported by many experts in the field and by personal accounts of therapists, counsellors and trainees in various studies.

The whole rationale for the inclusion of personal development in the training of counsellor and counselling practitioners goes back to the concept of self-actualization introduced by Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers in psychology. The whole journey towards self-actualization through a continuously growing self-awareness, is believed to be beneficial not only for the counsellors but for the whole counselling process. In that sense, trainees must learn to distinguish their different feelings, be aware of their beliefs, values, moral principles and their reactions to various stressful situations. Such awareness is necessary if they are to be considered sufficiently trained to exercise their profession. Therefore,we have no doubt in our minds that inclusion of personal development and personal growth in any reasonable counselling training programme is an unavoidable aspect in overall preparation of counsellors.

We, at Insight Life Coaching Service, have our firm belief that counselling in practice requires a high level of self-awareness and the ability to connect skills and knowledge of personal and interpersonal dynamics in the therapeutic context. Moreover, the mastery of theory, research, skills and knowledge is closely related to personal characteristics and qualities as well as to interpersonal engagement skills.

The inevitability and the need for a higher level of self-awareness in our future counsellors, has led us to design our Counselling Skills Learning Programmewith a greater importance to and emphasis on personal development as a mandatory requirement for Counselling Practice Certification. In addition to thetheoretical element, our Counselling Skills Learning Programme has two elements of experiential learning, which our future counsellors would be expected to complete to be effective and efficient professionals.